Chapter Eight

Now, you may be shocked to discover that I am not at all concerned over the immense violation of my personal space nor the grueling attack on my body, in fact, it is the last thing on my mind. You see, this is when it really sunk in. I have been kidnapped. Then, soon after I am introduced to the well-dressed nut job that had a really nice hair cut who then introduced me to the dreaded red- button, only for me to meet the disgusting Domino who laid claim to my very existence.
My only goal is to not anger the holder of the button. If that means that a man fondles with my body in ways that I never wished to know, then so be it. My goal is to avoid pain at all costs.
In what I presume to be a few days after my arrival, I discover I would primarily be dealing with Jessie. She repeatedly informs me of the rules that I have to follow, all while flaunting the god-forsaken remote.
Now, this may come as a surprise but I am quite sarcastic and use humor as a defense mechanism. A fact I grew to learn is not appreciated by Jessie or Domino. Occasionally, I try to be funny, and get zapped.
I recall one time laying on the dirt ground during my recovery from the red button wondering how is it possible to be in so much pain. I figured that when I was unconscious they must have inserted several subdermal electric conductors throughout my body. Although this concept seems farfetched, it is the only one I can come up with. The days blend into the nights and the nights are filled with Domino needing to be pleased. Domino, along with his strange name, has several quirks. He inflicts pain, purposely, deliberately, but does not accept any sign of this pain.
I truly don’t understand how this fascinates him, but it does. If I cry, I am punished, more often than not with a zap from the red buttoned remote. If I tense up as he touches me, he tightens his grip regardless of what body part he is holding.
If I breath loudly when he rapes me, he goes harder. In the most cruel twist of events, he explains why he is becoming more aggressive. He enjoys seeing my lips quiver when he tells me that since I flinched, he must now penetrate me with more force.
A part of me knows he is enforcing his dominance over me. Another part knows he is teaching me to stop reacting to the pain. But, then there is another part that can’t help noticing his delight when he gets aggressive after my reaction.