Chapter Four

This Domino character worries me. He sounds atrocious.
Domino enters the mud for walls room. He is tall, well, he appears tall. I can’t measure him but he pulls his head down to pass through the doorway. He looks lean and fit. He has a form-fitting shirt on, athletic pants and bright green sneakers, florescent green. A bold and strange choice.
He sits down in the chair that once held Jessie.
“Don’t worry, Evergreen.” He says with a pompous smile, “The rules Jessie has don’t apply with me. You can speak and say anything you want.”
“My name isn’t Evergreen.”
“Oh, I am quite aware of the name you used to have, but that is no longer your name.”
“Because I said so.”
Can you believe he told me because I said so, like we are stuck in the 1980’s.
“What if I don’t like it?” I demand.
“Oh, that doesn’t matter, not anymore.” He snickers, “My dear Evergreen, the privileges you once had, all no longer apply. I have taken the liberty of relieving you from them.”
“I like my privileges.” I say trying to look strong when I’m shivering and overcome with fear.
“I’m sure you did, and you have every right to grieve that loss.” He glances to the ground for a second, “But in this new life, I grant your privileges. My views are different from yours, in time you will learn how to cope.” He leans back onto the wall in a superior magnanimous manner, “I’m a gracious captor. I will give you ample time to adapt.”
“So you admit I have been taken against my will.”
“That is the only way I would want you here.” “Excuse me?” “Oh my supple Evergreen. My desire, my ultimate desire for a companion is to have her not want to be here, hate it in fact. Then slowly change, give in, ah that satisfaction is so supreme.” He smiles with his eyes closed, then exhales, “Yes, she must give in. That is an important factor.”
“What if I don’t? What if I try to leave?”
“Oh, you WILL!” He bursts in laughter, “Not only is it natural instinct but I have studied you long enough to know just how long you will fight, and I know how long it will be until you submit to your new life.”