Chapter Nineteen

I cracked the code! I know when to expect Jessie’s tactics and it is easy to decipher since it’s always safe to assume she is trying to trick me into disobedience.
Giddy with mischief, I joyously grin internally. No one knows I took the sleeping pills that day, but I didn’t bring them back. I didn’t need to. Didn’t I tell you I’m clever? I had nowhere to hide them. My hair is always cut short and my clothes are potatoes sack rags only meant to keep others from seeing me naked.
However, the makeshift store has a nice little hole on the side of the counter that holds the cups. I tested it out a few times to see if the owner cleans it out or removes anything from inside it, and he never did. So, I put the sleeping pills there for the day that I will finally leave.
Using pills means that I need to feed them to all four members. It takes several walks, oh so many walks with casual talks, but I am finally able to convince One and Two that I am a good cook.
I am sure they would mention it to Domino after a few weeks of talking about the foods they haven’t eaten in so long.
Patience is a virtue and it paid off, because even as time passes and I grow doubtful, this long term crazy scheme may actually work. One warm and dirty day, Domino enters and demands that I fulfill a fetish he has involving a chef. How I hate the notion of having to please him while doing anything other than be still and think of another place, but I need to do this. I won’t bother trying to describe how difficult it is working with a hot stove, chopping, mixing, cleaning up while naked and having a full grown man attached to me at every step.
I get burned, many times, which makes Domino like the idea even more. If him getting turned on by this shocks you, where have you been? He’s messed up. He enjoys fire related injuries, another freakishly weird twist to this devil of a man. The first meal is a success in that everyone likes it but a failure in the fact that I need the entire following day to recover.
It seems counterproductive, since now I have assumed the cooking responsibilities. I’m not allowed to eat with them. I have to eat my portioned dry food and water alone.
I roll my eyes when Jessie informs me of the dining rules. And, you guessed it, I get a zap. Ugh, I hate her so much and now I have more work to do along with pleasing duties.
Still, another piece of my escape puzzle is put into place. I now have a way to deliver the sleeping pills. All that is left is how to actually leave this rock in the ocean.
With that relief comes another disappointment, finding the right time. It seems like every night I plan to use the pills, I learn something that halts everything. Either Domino is suddenly announcing a trip before the meal which means that I can’t drug anyone, or Jessie is in some sort of a mood and doesn’t want to eat, or One and Two are being chastised for some stupid thing they did and there’s no group meal. The right time is such an elusive thing.
It takes time to build up to find the right for my long planned escape, and they always manage to do one thing or another to spoil it. I can’t risk getting caught, not now, not after all I have done. So, I wait a little longer, learn a little more.