Chapter Fifteen

I take the steaming beverage sniffing the strange aroma. I honestly don’t think Jessie drinks this latte. I can’t imagine it tasting good. Jessie claims to know me, she says they watched and studied me. Well, I can observe, too. I think she has a connection with the shop owner and buys the most expensive drink as a means of support. A surprisingly kind gesture coming from such a horrendous creature.
I pass the drink to number Two continuing my path up the hill.
Not knowing that I had my pivotal moment, I call out to number One. He is younger and more relatable for some unknown reason, “One, how long have I been here?”
He looks back at me, surprised eyebrows gazing upon my messy appearence, “Why do you want to know? Have somewhere to be?”
“As a matter of fact, yes, I do. You terrible people took me away from my home, my life.”
“You’re never gonna leave here, Evergreen.” He snaps at me, “How many times does Jessie have to tell you that, how many times do you need to get zapped?”
“I know, this isn’t another an escape plot. I have had enough punishments to last a lifetime.”
“So, why ask?”
“Because I want to know!” I sharply reply. “Everyone in that place has a concept of time, you know the date, the season, everything. I don’t know how long I have been here. It feels like forever. Is it really that bad that I want to know how many birthdays I missed?”
I stop myself at this point. Controlling my facial expressions, I hold back. I was about to mention that I don’t know how old Joey is, my baby boy. I was sure that would have triggered something so I keep quiet. Joey is for my inner thoughts, for me and me alone.


I don’t want these ruthless people knowing Joey is on my mind every day. If Domino thinks he can use him to teach me a lesson, he definitely will. I have never mentioned his name in this place, and I never will.
One rolls his eyes and walks faster leaving me behind without an answer. I huff and stick my tongue out at him knowing his authority is not higher than my own.
“Ten months…” A whisper floats from behind me, “You’ve been here ten months.”
I stop in my tracks, I don’t know if I am breathing.
“Don’t stop! Keep walking and don’t look back, not even a glance!”
“How could it be ten months; almost a year.” Hearing, saying that number…
“You’re doing well for ten months.” Two says comforting me after that shocking revelation, or he tries to, “The other girls were almost expired by now and we would be searching for the next one.”
“Two, why do you do this?” I ask not expecting an answer.
“Domino is very powerful. He can make anyone do anything.”
“I’m sorry, Two.”
“You probably haven’t suffered as badly as I have, or even as much as the girls before me, but that doesn’t mean you don’t suffer. You must feel awful doing Domino’s dirty work.” “Evergreen, it hurts in a way that can’t heal. If I cut myself, I get a scar and it’s done. I don’t remember the pain, I can forget it ever happened. The guilt and misery of being one of the people who brought you here knowing what would happen, that will never go away. The guilt for the ones before you…” He stops speaking. I can’t see him behind me, but that silent pause is one of regret, “And I can’t leave. The pain that would come from Domino hurting my family wouldn’t go away either. I’m trapped and I’m haunted. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know about the other girls, Two.” I whisper as One is slowing down, “But I don’t hold it against you. Every horrible thing I felt since I have been here is on Domino, and no one else.”
I can’t say that I didn’t harbor any bad feelings for number Two, that would be a lie. But I don’t blame him for my situation. When I lay on the rough hard ground in pain after pleasing Domino, it’s not Two’s doing. When Jessie doesn’t like my answers, he doesn’t zap me, she does.
I may not wish him the best, but if I had to choose between harming someone I don’t know and having harm come my family, then I’m sorry but the stranger is going to suffer.