Chapter Thirteen

He explained the new rules. Moving forward, I am given a pain chart and if I am in pain that exceeds a five out of seven grade, I must say apple juice and all session activities are to be paused. That’s the part that gets me. He will pause, not stop. I hate this creature.
I, now, am also allowed into the food area where I can eat from a box with my name on it, not my real name but Evergreen. It’s a small box. I’ve seen dogs with bigger water bowls. I say nothing, I simply follow him as he speaks.
The main condition for these rules is my continuous cooperation, no negotiation. “I like you Evergreen.” Domino says as he walks me back to my room and pushes me down on to the mattress, “I want you to know that I have no problem with you enjoying some liberties especially if that means I have a better sessions.”
He grins like what he said is not revolting, “But I will not tolerate any bad behavior. One mistake, and doctor or not, your expiration or not, things will resume to how they once were.”
I stare at him as he undresses then stands over me. I recognize the position he wants me to be in and move to give him the upper hand, “I have a rule that will never break.” He whispers as he grabs my breasts and squeezes intensely, “A comfortable companion leads to a pleased Domino, but nothing will change how I get pleased. If I have to choose between my pleasure and your well-being, my pleasure will rein supreme. Do you understand, Evergreen?”


Any sentence that ends with ‘do you understand, Evergreen’ requires the reply ‘you are always right, Domino’. So, I take in a deep breath, put on my best fake smile, imagine I am anywhere other than under him in a dirty room on the side of a forgotten mountain. I tell myself it will only be a night pushing down every instinct I have, then say, “You are always right, Domino.”
He groans with relief to my reply then falls on me as the night long session begins and my efforts to avoid the red button were on.
I am a good companion that night, and every other night after that, I try to be at least. I try my best to uphold the rules for one reason and one reason only. I need those liberties.
After what seems like weeks of following the rules, Jessie informs me while Domino was away on business that I earned time outside the hut. I am granted time to walk accompanied by one and two.
They really must have known me because I love outdoor strolls in nature. A fifteen minute walk outside is heavenly divine. I play back the quiet walks I used to enjoy on my way to work. I think about how I was before all of this madness.
In my mind, I am not walking behind number one and followed by number two. I am not in rags with no shoes. I look up to the sky and see the most pristine fluffy clouds with a faint image of an elephant. In that moment, that fraction of a second, I realize that everything I enjoy about my walks to work is exactly what I enjoy about my walks here. That fraction of a second was my pivotal moment! I bet you didn’t see that coming, did you?
It’s hard to believe, but I it happened and I didn’t even notice. I only pieced it together when I played it back right now.