Chapter Twelve

A week off from any Domino duties was promised and a week off is what I got.
I learn a lot in that time. I discover that the food I am given tastes awful because it is all lab made nutrients blended together for optimal absorption. Taste apparently is not a factor.
I also learn that One and Two have no authority and that Domino limits them from interacting with me.
Jessie tells me that I will never actually escape even though she can see me plotting and planning away.
With every warning comes a reminder of how she knows me better than I know myself. She isn’t wrong. I decide to escape again on the last day of my recovery week. It is the perfect time. Domino is not there, I will be at my strongest point since I arrived. I plan it around Jessie’s arrival and departure. She will never see it coming, except she does.
She predicts every single thing I plan out and stops it. I am then punished accordingly. Red button punishment. Three rounds with a water session afterwards which makes the electric shock more potent, and thus it hurts longer and stronger. She claims to give me enough time to recover before Domino arrived. To her, it is enough time, to me, it painstakingly feels like the blink of an eye.
She approaches me just as Domino enters, “I want to give you fair warning,” she whispers, “Domino is feeling victorious. Our business plans this week went very well, exceeded our expectations actually. Do as he asks and this session may not be as long as other sessions.” I gulp and stare at the window as she speaks, with tears in my eyes I turn to her, “I hate this, Jessie.” I plead, “You know I hate being here, being his companion, being forced to pretend that what he is doing isn’t wrong, being forced to smile when I want to cry. I hate allowing him to touch me and grab me and squeeze me and pinch me and bite me and hit me, or suffer bone breaking consequences.”
My lips quiver, “This isn’t fair, and you know it. I only just started not feeling so bad, and he is going to come in here thinking only of himself, and I will be left here like dirty dishes waiting to be rewashed and used. I hate this.”
My desperation flows through the air like a mist on a cool fall morning. I hope my words stir something in her, anything, just so I can go.
Jessie does not react. She does not blink. She does not breathe. She turns around and leaves the room.
Domino comes in for his session. His malicious smile grows as he eyes me. He starts rubbing my arm, then, he explains how he would like me to be his companion for as long as possible. He finds my personality invigorating.
He actually believes he is giving a sincere compliment. The way this sick person thinks is beyond comprehension. How can he think that hearing those words would make me feel any better about being enslaved, by him, like this?
The doctor that examined me informed him that if I did not heal and eat properly, that I would expire sooner than I should. You can guess how much that would displease Domino.