Chapter Ten

Domino’s desires are based on his mood.
When he feels his manhood is challenged, he aggressively rapes me over and over until his sense of control somehow returns.
When he feels compassionate, he enacts what he describes as foreplay and enjoys being gentle. Whatever he does to me is to fill his need, it is never a reflection of me or who I am.
If he wants to be challenged in any way or enticed, I am instructed to do so. He is very detailed with how he expects me to react.
It takes time to learn how to respond to him, but I learn quickly and always please him.
I am not allowed to show any sign of pain or discomfort. This promotes feelings. Could he feel guilty? Regardless, it displeases him.
Domino has many fetishes. I lost count how many there are. I simply do as I am told or suffer the consequences.
Words cannot describe the conflict in that sentence as my compliance leads to extreme pain that lasts hours or days. A person’s body can only be placed in so many positions before it takes a toll, and there so many, many times I decide the zap is the lesser of two demons. Although I am right to suffer for hours rather than days, it is never a victory.
One night, I grow restless. I hear Domino enter the cabin, but I am still recovering from our morning session. I lay, agonizing in misery, unable to move, wondering how one man could be so unsatiable.


Laying on the dirt ground, I hear him ask the other members to vacate as he wants to get vocal, with me. I know what he means, I know exactly what that means, and I simply have nothing left.
I cannot smile, which is a rule. I cannot laugh, which is a rule. I cannot relax, which is a rule. I cannot move, which I know he wants me to do.
I hear him pop a lid. The plastic lid of an oil bottle. Oh mercy, it’s one of those sessions.
No, I just can’t anymore. I don’t know how long I have been this creature’s companion but I can bear it no longer. I have been quiet and compliant since the beginning, allowing this ravenous heathen to have his way with me in more ways than humanly possible.
I have to leave, there is no other choice, wouldn’t you agree? If I displease him, I surely would be zapped, and I cannot be zapped, not after this day. I pull myself up and look out of the high hole in the mud wall, it’s dark.
This is my chance. The others left as he told them to. One surprised jolt as Domino enters would give me just enough time to run and seek help. This is crazy. Am I really doing this? Yes, yes? Yes, I must. My heart rate increases with every thought, my breath grows shorter and faster. I stand up, barely keeping myself together. I hear the hum of his voice approaching and I plan out his position in my head. I also plan out what will happen to me if I fail. Being zapped with my aching body will probably be heaven compared to the wrath I face, but the hope, that darn stupid annoying hope of breaking free, pushes me beyond that and so, I prepare myself.